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With the voice of Hazel Dickens at the Windup Space (Baltimore, MD).
Patchwork play Fun With Teeth (Cincinnati, OH).
Spiral, choreographed and danced by Wanjiru Kamuyu (Paris, France).
Dust in the Bottomland, monodrama for bass voice, piano, and electronics (Fayette County, WV).
State, oratorio for soloist, women’s chorus, ensemble, and electronics (Cincinnati, OH).
Licorice Parikrama for keyboard and conference call (Cincinnati, OH and Kanawha County, WV).
Firemaggot at the Listing Loon (Cincinnati, OH).
Adam Sliwinski plays Cygnet for solo bitKlavier (Princeton, NJ).
The Hundred Handed, performance for jazz ensemble, dancers, storyteller, electronics (Cape Town, South Africa).
Kalahari Waits, album by Khoi Khonnexion (Cape Town, South Africa).